Department of Energy Economics, University of Mazandaran
University of Mazandaran
The shortages of exhaustible energy resources and the need to achieve sustainable development has been the main factor decoupling economic growth from energy consumption and pollution, and in this regard, the movement of countries towards integration into the global economy has caused changes in the ratio of economy and energy. In this research, as a case study, the decoupling of economic growth from energy consumption, energy supply and pollution (carbon dioxide) in the BRICS region during the period of 2000-2021 has been investigated. For this purpose, the method of Tapio (2005) has been used and the results of the calculations of decoupling intervals during two periods before the formation of BRICS and after its formation have been compared. The results show that although the economic integration of BRICS has improved the situation of regional decoupling, there has been no fundamental change in the decoupling interval. It seems that the decoupling of energy from the economy has not been the main priority of this integration, and on this basis, it is recommended that the member countries, with a strategic view of energy decoupling and economic growth, promote advanced energy-saving technologies and help each other in fundamentally changing the decoupling intervals.
Rasekhi, S. , & ghanbartabar, S. (2023). Decoupling Economic Growth from Energy and Carbon Dioxide in BRICS: Evidence from the Economic Integration Effect. Journal of Energy Economics Modeling, 1(2), -. doi: 10.22080/jeem.2024.27307.1009
Saeed Rasekhi; sara ghanbartabar. "Decoupling Economic Growth from Energy and Carbon Dioxide in BRICS: Evidence from the Economic Integration Effect", Journal of Energy Economics Modeling, 1, 2, 2023, -. doi: 10.22080/jeem.2024.27307.1009
Rasekhi, S., ghanbartabar, S. (2023). 'Decoupling Economic Growth from Energy and Carbon Dioxide in BRICS: Evidence from the Economic Integration Effect', Journal of Energy Economics Modeling, 1(2), pp. -. doi: 10.22080/jeem.2024.27307.1009
S. Rasekhi and S. ghanbartabar, "Decoupling Economic Growth from Energy and Carbon Dioxide in BRICS: Evidence from the Economic Integration Effect," Journal of Energy Economics Modeling, 1 2 (2023): -, doi: 10.22080/jeem.2024.27307.1009
Rasekhi, S., ghanbartabar, S. Decoupling Economic Growth from Energy and Carbon Dioxide in BRICS: Evidence from the Economic Integration Effect. Journal of Energy Economics Modeling, 2023; 1(2): -. doi: 10.22080/jeem.2024.27307.1009