Guide for Authors

Manuscript Submission Guidelines

Thank you for choosing to submit your paper to Journal of Energy Economics Modeling (JEEM). Please take the time to read and follow the manuscript submission guidelines and to make sure that your paper is formatted according to JEEM’s requirements. The authors are required to provide a Username/Password for Journal of Energy Economics Modeling (JEEM). The authors should kindly note that manuscripts should be submitted through our online submission system. Please do not send your manuscripts by e-mail unless specifically requested. The receipt of the manuscript will be acknowledged by the journal’s e-mail. Failure to follow the manuscript preparation and submission guidelines will lead to delays in the processing of the manuscript.

Articles in the field of macroeconomics will be considered for publication:

Authors should kindly note that

Manuscripts are reviewed only if they

  • are original
  • are not under consideration by any other journals or publisher
  • have not been previously published in whole or in part
  • have not been previously accepted for publication
  • will not be submitted elsewhere until a decision is reached regarding their publication

The submitted article should include the following files (pages):

The first file (Title page):

The first page or title page as a separated file should contain the full title of the paper, with name(s) of all the authors, academic level (e.g. assistant professor, associate professor, professor, or Ph.D. candidate), department, university, country, academic email address and, if available, telephone number. The first and corresponding authors must be clearly indicated. The name of the corresponding author should be marked with an asterisk (*). If the article is based on a thesis or dissertation, this should be mentioned on the first page. (e.g., “This article is based on the Ph.D. thesis of …"). The first page (Title page) should be submitted as an editable MS Word format (not as a PDF).

Font style and size of the title page:

Document size: A4 paper size

Article Title: Times New Roman 11 pt. for the English title and B Nazanin 12 for Persian title, bold

Author name (s): Times New Roman 11 pt. for English words and B Nazanin 12 for Persian words.

Affiliation and academic email address:  Times New Roman 10 pt. for English words and B Nazanin 10 for Persian words.

The second page (Main article without authors’ names):

A typical journal article primarily includes title, abstract (English and Persian), introduction, literature review, methods, results, discussion, (conclusions), and references.

Font style and size of the second page:

Document size: A4 paper size

Margins: With 1 line space, B Nazanin 12, in MS Word format.

Headings (Level 1) 

(INTRODUCTION, LITERATURE REVIEW, METHODS, RESULTS, DISCUSSION (CONCLUSIONS), and REFERENCES must be written left, bold, and uppercase, printed in all capital letters.  Times New Roman 12 pt. (In Persian B Nazanin 12)

Subheadings: Subheading (Level 2) must be in left, bold, upper/lowercase) only the first letter of the first word should be capitalized, Times New Roman 11 pt. (In Persian B Nazanin 12)

Subheading (Level 3) must be in left, bold, upper/lowercase) only the first letter of the first word should be capitalized. Times New Roman 11 pt. (and the same format for L4 &5). (In Persian B Nazanin 12)

Citations and References: 

The manuscripts submitted to Journal of Energy Economics Modeling (JEEM) should follow the American Psychological Association (APA 6th edition) style. Available at:

  • Tables need to be as close to the main text as possible and curves, figures, diagrams, etc. to be clear.
  • Notes should appear in the form of endnotes i.e. at the end of the article and before the references.
  • Within-text citations should appear in parentheses as (surname, year: page number).
  • References need to be ordered alphabetically and based on APA style.
  • After the initial approval of the article by the editorial board, the article will be blind reviewed by three reviewers.
  • The authors themselves will be responsible for the truthfulness of the contents of the article.
  • Articles based on master's or Ph.D. thesis will be considered only if the supervisor accepts the responsibility.
  • Translated articles will not be accepted.
  • The article should not exceed 25 pages including footnotes, diagrams, tables, and references.
  • The Journal reserves the right to accept, reject, or edit the article and will not return the submitted article.

Journal Ethical Policies:

Authors will be expected to abide by our journal Publication Ethics terms and conditions, and scan and upload the completed form of the Ethical Treatment Assignment.

These are the major instances of scientific research misconduct:

  • Research abuses
  • Lack of commitment and responsibility
  • Human subject violations
  • Data fabrication
  • Data falsification
  • Plagiarism
  • Scientific rental
  • Lack of respect for intellectual property rights
  • Duplicate submissions
  • Redundant publication
  • Research purchasing
  • Impersonation
  • Re-use previously published material

Failure to comply with the publication ethics may lead to investigation under the Commission for the Investigation of Research Misconduct in University of Mazandaran based on the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology guideline No. 245 602 dated 12.25.1393 (16.03.2015).


Authors are highly advised to check out their manuscripts for plagiarism and fraudulent data. MRL editorial team will use two ways such as reviewer check and plagiarism prevention tool for all submissions.


To guarantee long-term digital preservation, all articles published in Journal of Energy Economics Modeling (JEEM) are archived in some free digital repository of scholarly publications such as CIVILICA, Google Scholar, some coming indices.

Conflicts of Interests:

The authors certify that they have NO affiliations with or involvement in any organization or entity with any financial interest (such as honoraria; educational grants; participation in speakers’ bureaus; membership, employment, consultancies, stock ownership, or other equity interest; and expert testimony or patent-licensing arrangements), or non-financial interest (such as personal or professional relationships, affiliations, knowledge or beliefs) in the subject matter or materials discussed in their manuscript.


Journal of Energy Economics Modeling (JEEM) follows the free Open Access Policy. All papers are freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution.


Copyright and Licensing:

Authors transfer, assign, or otherwise convey all copyright ownership, including any and all rights incidental thereto, exclusively to the Research Journal of Macroeconomics, University of Mazandaran. The Journal shall own the work, including copyright; the right to grant permission to republish the article in whole or in part, the right to republish the work in a collection of articles in any other mechanical or electronic format.

Type of License: Creative Commons — Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)

Journal of Energy Economics Modeling (JEEM) © 2023 by University of Mazandaran is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0 

Currently, only articles in the Persian language are published in this journal, but it intends to publish English articles in the near future.